Comprehensive design and production of food manufacturing facilities
Sauce Manufacturing Equipment
Improved and traditional soybean paste, red pepper paste, soy sauce, fast-fermented bean paste, fermented soybean lump-related Equipment
Raw Material Selector, Washing Equipment (Selector Stone Picker, Lifting Conveyor, Grain Washing Machine)
Raw Material Steaming Equipment (NK Steamer, Whole Wheat Continuous Steamer)
Fermentation, Cultivation Equipment (Circular Pure Base Soup Machine, Pure Base Soup Machine, Yeast Culture Machine, Fermentation Facility for Fermented Soybean Lump and Fast-Fermented Bean Paste)
Sterilization, Cooling Equipment (AM type Sterilizer, Hemispherical type, Ribbon Mixer Type Compound Sterilizer, Cooler, Tube Type Cooler)
Storage, Transport, Filtration, Packaging Equipment (Curve Silo, Conveyor Transport and Processing Equipment, Filters, Filling Machines, etc.)
Kimchi Manufacturing Equipment
Transfer Conveyor and Workstation Conveyor
Saltwater Manufacturing and Supply Facility
Salting tank, desalting salted-cabbages, and washing tank
Radish washing machine, Washing and Transportation Container, Stuffing Worktable, Mobile Wagon
Seasoning Mixer, CHUTE, Seasoning Grinder, etc.
Other food manufacturing Equipment
Retort (high temperature and high-pressure sterilizer)